Thursday 18 November 2010

Well, I knew better...

I got the big R from the Medical Fast Track contest. I knew my entry wasn't going to be accepted even before I submitted it. It's funny that I've worked in the medical field for all of my adult life and can't write a medical. Figures. Anyway, I knew I hadn't put the time and effort into that entry. I also knew it didn't feel quite right as I was writing it.

Now there's another contest that's caught my eye. Problem is this one needs a completed MS. I was almost finished with my Intrigue, but of course since I'm my own worst enemy, I've started to pick it apart. The contest calls for the first chapter and a synopsis. My first chapter is pretty much done, but I haven't even looked at writing a synopsis. And, of course, the deadline is December 15th, Hmmm....

Well, honestly, it seems unlikely that I'll be able to finish the MS and write a synopsis before December 15th. Especially with work, coaching, the monkey-- and let's not forget Thanksgiving! I think I might give it a go, though. If I do finish in time I'll enter. If not, at the very least I'll be closer to submitting it the old fashioned way.

I'm not promising anything.

Friday 20 August 2010

It's a start...

Well, in my quest to submit before I turn 35, I came across the Harlequin Medicals fast-track submissions. The deadline to submit is August 24th. I have less than 2 days to finish my submission. I've written the query and the synopsis (my first synopsis, I might add, hope it's ok). The only thing left to write is the first chapter. 5,000 words, give or take a few. I hope I can do it. I plan to write as much as possible tomorrow (that is when I'm not cleaning house, entertaining the monkey, or getting ready to go out for my 6th wedding anniversary) and then as much as possible Sunday, before I go to teach a course. If all goes well, I should be able to finish it up Sunday night, after my course. I'm a bit too burnt out from work and writing the synopsis (which I did today during time I was supposed to be working) to do any real writing, but I am going to take my little notebook to bed and make some scene notes. I find it easier to write after brainstorming a bit on each scene. I'm off now. Sweet dreams.

Sunday 15 August 2010


I never was very good at this sort of thing. Couldn't keep a diary regularly either. I guess that's a bad thing for a writer. Anyway, I'll give it another shot.

So here we are, a year later and I still haven't submitted anything. Bad news, considering my 35th birthday is next month and I have always promised myself I would submit by 35. I'm just so damn busy-- between the monkey, the real job, the classes-- there's barely time to eat and sleep (I just painted my toenails for the first time this year!! I know!!).

Well, I am so very tempted to give this whole Harlequin Medicals Fast-Track Submission thing a go. The only problem is I haven't actually written a Medical. I do have one in the plotting stages, though. I think I'll see if I can finish the submission (cover letter, synopsis, 1-3 chapters) by the deadline (24th August). Oh God, that's like 9 days!! That'll never happen!! Oh well, I'll have to try at least. I better go get writing!