Thursday 18 November 2010

Well, I knew better...

I got the big R from the Medical Fast Track contest. I knew my entry wasn't going to be accepted even before I submitted it. It's funny that I've worked in the medical field for all of my adult life and can't write a medical. Figures. Anyway, I knew I hadn't put the time and effort into that entry. I also knew it didn't feel quite right as I was writing it.

Now there's another contest that's caught my eye. Problem is this one needs a completed MS. I was almost finished with my Intrigue, but of course since I'm my own worst enemy, I've started to pick it apart. The contest calls for the first chapter and a synopsis. My first chapter is pretty much done, but I haven't even looked at writing a synopsis. And, of course, the deadline is December 15th, Hmmm....

Well, honestly, it seems unlikely that I'll be able to finish the MS and write a synopsis before December 15th. Especially with work, coaching, the monkey-- and let's not forget Thanksgiving! I think I might give it a go, though. If I do finish in time I'll enter. If not, at the very least I'll be closer to submitting it the old fashioned way.

I'm not promising anything.